STE-li or STE-leez, STEELZ] * [ Stephanas - Steph'anas - 1 Corinthians 1:16 (g4734) - STEF-uh-nuhs] * [ Stephanus*] * [ (aka Estienne) - - w95 4/15 10 - STEF-uh-nuhs] * [ Stephen - Stephen, it Ste'phen - Acts 6:5 (g4736) - STE-vuhn] * [ Stoic - Sto'ic - Acts 17:18 (g4770) - STOH-ik] * [ Stoicism* - - w96 9/1 17 - STOH-ih-siz'uhm] * [ stomacher] * [ (beautiful robe, expensive clothes, rich robe, robe in some Bibles) - ("rich garment" in NW) - Jeremiah 3:23 KJ, Yg (h6614) - STUH-mih-kuhr, -chuhr] * [ storax - storax - Genesis 30:37 (h3839) - STOR-aks, STOHR-] * [ Strabo* - - it "Chronology" - STRAY-boh(')] * [ strophe* - - ip-1 134 - STROH-fee(')] * [ suborn] * [ (privately put forward, secretly bribed, secretly induced, secretly instigated in some Bibles) - ("secretly induced" in NW) - Acts 6:11 "suborned" in AS, Da, DRB (g5260) - suh-BORN] * [ subterfuge - subterfuge - Judges 9:31 (h8649) - SUHB-tuhr-fyooj'] * [ Succoth - Suc'coth - Genesis 33:17 (h5523) - SUK-oth, SUHK-uhth, SUHK-ahth'] * [ Sudan] * [ (Ethiopia in most Bibles) - ("Ethiopia" in NW) - Ezekiel 29:10 GW (h3568) - SOO-dan, soo-DAN, -DAHN] * [ Suetonius* - - g95 6/22 8 - swih-TOH-nee-uhs, swee-] * [ Sumer* - - it "Babylon" - SOO-muhr] * [ Sumeria* - - sh 207 - soo-MEER-ee-uh, -MER-, -MIR-] * [ Sumerian* - - it "Ur" - soo-MEER-ee-uhn, -MER-, -MIR-] * [ sumptuous] * [ (gaudy, goodly, splendid, splendor in some Bibles) - ("gorgeous" in NW) - Revelation 18:14 AS, HNV, WEB (g2986) - SUHM(P)(T)-shuh-wuhs, -shuhs] * [ superciliousness - superciliousness - Psalm 10:4 (h1363 + h639), ftn. in NW) - Revelation 19:1 DRB, KJ, Yg (g239) - al'uh-LOO-yuh] * [ almond - almond - Ecclesiastes 12:5 (h8247) - AH-muhnd, AM-uhnd, AL-muhnd, AHL-, AWL-] * [ almug] * [ (juniper wood, sandlewood, thyine in some Bibles) - ("algum" in NW) - 1 Kings 10:11 KJ (h484) - AL-muhg] * [ aloes (aloeswood) - aloes - Song of Solomon 4:14 (h174) - AL-ohz] * [ Alpha - Al'pha - Revelation 1:8 (g1) - AL-fuh] * [ Alphaeus - Alphae'us - Acts 1:13 (g256) - al-FEE-uhs] * [ Al-taschith] * [ (Altaschith. par-oo-SEE-ah (listen)] * [ Parthia; Parthian - ; Par'thians - Acts 2:9 CEV, TEV (g3934); Acts 2:9 (g3934) - PAHR-thee-uh; PAHR-thee-uhn(z)] * [ Pasach - Pa'sach - 1 Chronicles 7:33 (h6457) - PAY-sak] * [ Pasargadae* - - dp 151 - puh-SAHR-guh-dee'] * [ Pasch; Pascha* - - Ezekiel 45:21 DRB (h6453) and Hebrews 11:28 DRB (g3957); w94 3/15 5 - PASK; PAHS-kuh] * [ paschal* - - w90 2/15 12 - PAS-kuhl] * [ Pashhur - Pash'hur - Jeremiah 20:1 (h6583) - PASH-huhr] * [ Pashur] * [ (aka Pashhur) - ("Pashhur" in NW) - Jeremiah 20:1 KJ (h6583) - PASH-uhr] * [ Patara - Pat'ara - Acts 21:1 (g3959) - PAT-uh-ruh] * [ Pathros - Path'ros - Isaiah 11:11 (h6624) - PATH-ros, not PATH-ruhs] * [ Patmos - Pat'mos - Revelation 1:9 (g3963) - PAT-muhs] * [ patriarch - ("family head" in NW) - Hebrews 7:4 AS, DRB, KJ (and others) (g3966) - PAY-tree-ahrk'] * [ patriarchal* - - w95 9/15 20 - pay'tree-AHR-kuhl] * [ patristic* - - Daniel 9:2 ftn. Qohe'leth ("congregator" in NW) - Ecclesiastes 1:1 ftn. ftlObj.y += (pY + startY - ftlObj.y)/8; pageYOffset + innerHeight : document.body.scrollTop + document.body.clientHeight; One particular area that deserves mention is the possible presence of the imperial cult, in which the emperor was worshiped as a god. It embraces the elements of God's way of doing things, and they function in the communication process. for "helper") - John 14:26 ftn. When you ask, "How do I pronounce", remember, the 'short' vowel sounds (short because that's what we call them, not because they necessarily have to be said quickly) are often the most useful sounds to work on for reading and spelling improvement. How to pronounce them will then become easy! Consonant --All the letter of the alphabet, except a, e, I, o, u. In many ways, they may be right about that. The ancient Caesarea Philippi (Christian Media Center) An article highlighting the time Jesus spent at the site. When you encounter a 404 error in WordPress, you have two options for correcting it.
Philippi in the Bible (6 verses). Greek: , philippoi, G5375 They must recognize that poor, unintelligible speech will make their attempts at reading the Bible frustrating and unpleasant both for themselves and for their listeners. function JSFX_FloatTopDiv() and Eng. Bible Pronunciation--How do I pronounce V words in the Bible? In Bible Pronunciation, when you use correct tone and know how to pronounce, it tells your listeners that they can trust you for accuracy and truth. Its original name was Crenides after its establishment by Thasian colonists in 360/359 BC. Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce R words in the Bible: [ Ra* - - it "Gods and Godesses" - RAH, RAY] * [ Raamah - Ra'amah - Ezekiel 27:22 (h7484) - RAY-uh-mah] * [ Raamses] * [ (compare Rameses, Ramses) - Raam'ses - Exodus 1:11 (h7486) - ray-AM-seez, rah-AM-seez] * [ Rabbah - Rab'bah - Amos 1:14 (h7237) - RAB-uh] * [ Rabbath - ("Rabbah" in NW) - Deuteronomy 3:11 DRB, KJ, Yg (h7237) - RAB-uhth] * [ Rabbi] * [ (Teacher in some Bibles) - Rabbi - Matthew 23:7 (g4461) - RAB-i] * [ rabbinic* - - sh 215 - ruh-BIN-ik] * [ Rabboni - Rabbo'ni - John 20:16 (g4462) - ra-BOH-ni , ra-BOH-nee] * [ Rabmag - Rab'mag - Jeremiah 39:13 (h7248) - RAB-mag] * [ Rabsaris - Rab'saris - Jeremiah 39:3 (h7249) - RAB-suh-ris] * [ Rabshakeh - Rab'shakeh - 2 Kings 18:17 (h7262) - RAB-shuh-kuh] * [ Rachel - Rachel, it Ra'chel - Genesis 29:6 (h7354) - RAY-chuhl] * [ Ragau - ("Reu" in NW) - Luke 3:35 Da, DRB (g4466) - RAY-gaw] * [ Rahab - Ra'hab - Joshua 2:1 (h7343) - RAY-hab] * [ raiment] * [ (apparel, clothes, clothing in some Bibles) - raiment - Isaiah 59:17 (h8516); Acts 10:30 (g2066) - RAY-muhnt] * [ Ramah - Ra'mah - Judges 4:5 (h7414) - RAY-muh, RAY-mah, not RAH-muh] * [ Ramathaim-zophim - Ramatha'im-zo'phim - 1 Samuel 1:1 (h7436) - ray'muhth-ay'im-ZOH-fim] * [ Rameses] * [ (compare Raamses, Ramses) - Ram'eses - Genesis 47:11 (h7486) - RAM-uh-seez] * [ Ramses*] * [ (compare Raamses, Rameses) - - it "Raamses" - RAM-seez] * [ rapacious] * [ (cruel, evil, fierce, mischievous, ravenous, violent in some Bibles) - rapacious - Isaiah 35:9 (h6530) - ruh-PAY-shuhs] * [ rapacity] * [ (destruction, ravaging, ruin, spoil in some Bibles) - rapacity - Habakkuk 2:17 (h7701) - ruh-PAS-uh-tee, -ih-tee] * [ Ras Shamra*] * [ (Ugarit) - - it "Archaeology" - rahs SHAHM-ruh] * [ Rastafarian*, Rastafarianism* - - g85 2/22 14 - ras'tuh-FAR-ee-uhn, rahs'tuh-FAHR-ee-uhn; ras'tuh-FAR-ee-uh-nih'zuhm, ruhs'tuh-FAHR-ee-uh-nih'zuhm] * [ ravenous] * [ (cruel, ravening, savage, vicious in some Bibles) - ravenous - Matthew 7:15 (g727) - RAV-uh-nuhs, RAV-nuhs] * [ Rebekah - Rebek'ah - Genesis 22:23 (h7259) - rih-BEK-uh] * [ Rechab; Rechabite - Re'chab; Re'chabites - Jeremiah 35:2, 6 (h7394; h7397) - REE-kab; REE-kuh-bi t(s)] * [ recension* - - w69 11/15 691 - rih-SEN-shuhn] * [ reconcile - reconcile - Ephesians 2:16 (g604) - REK-uhn-si l'] * [ reconciliation - reconciliation - 2 Corinthians 5:18 (g2643) - rek'uhn-sil'ee-AY-shuhn] * [ Regem-melech - Re'gem-mel'ech - Zechariah 7:2 (h7278) - ree'guhm-MEL-ik, ree'gehm-MEL-ik] * [ Rehoboam - Rehobo'am - 1 Kings 11:43 (h7346) - ree'huh-BOH-uhm, reh'huh-BOH-uhm] * [ Rehoboth - Reho'both - Genesis 26:22 (h7344) - rih-HOH-both, reh-HOH-bahth] * [ Rehoboth-Ir - Reho'both-Ir - Genesis 10:11 (h7344 + h5892) - rih-HOH-buth-ir, -both-, reh-HOH-bahth-ihr, ray-HOH-bahth-ihr'] * [ rehsh, also resh] * [ (Hebrew letter) - Rehsh - Psalm 119:153 (verse heading) - RAYSH] * [ Remaliah - Remali'ah - Isaiah 7:1 (h7425) - rem'uh-LI -uh] * [ remembrancer] * [ (memorial, reminder in some Bibles) - remembrancer - Leviticus 24:7 (h234) - rih-MEM-bruhn(t)-suhr] * [ remnant - - Isaiah 10:21 (h7605); Romans 9:27 (g2640); Revelation 12:17 Da, KJ (g3062) - REM-nuhnt, not REM-uh-nuh(n)t] * [ Renaissance*; renaissance* - - w95 3/1 23; ip-1 187 - ren'uh-SAHN(T)S, -ZAHN(T)S (also several other variations)] * [ Rephaim - Reph'aim - Isaiah 17:5 (h7497) - REF-ay-im] * [ Rephidim - Reph'idim - Exodus 17:1 (h7508) - REF-ih-dim] * [ reprobate - ("anyone contemptible" and "disapproved" in NW) - Psalm 15:4 AS (h3988); 1 Timothy 3:8 AS, KJ (g96) - REP-ruh-bayt'] * [ repudiate - repudiate - Titus 2:12 (g720) - rih-PYOO-dee-ayt'] * [ Reu] * [ (Ragau in some Bibles) - Re'u - Genesis 11:18 (h7466) - REE-yoo, REE-oo] * [ Reuben; Reubenite - Reu'ben; Reu'benites - Numbers 26:5, 7 (h7205; h7206) - ROO-bin; ROO-bin-i t(s)(')] * [ Reuel - Reu'el - Exodus 2:18 (h7467) - ROO-uhl, ROO-el] * [ Reumah - Reu'mah - Genesis 22:24 (h7208) - ROO-muh, ROO-mah] * [ Revelation - Revelation (Bible book) - Revelation 1:1 (g602) - rev'uh-LAY-shuhn, not pl.] Thus, more skilled speech sounds can lead to better listening skills, reading skills, and spelling skills. This free audio Bible name pronunciation guide is a valuable tool in your study of God's word. There is no doubt that the ideology of Caesar's claim to be Lord and Savior .
NW (g1484); - GOI-im] * [ greaves] * [ (plates, shin armor, shin guards in some Bibles) - greaves - 1 Samuel 17:6 (h4697) - GREEVZ] * [ Grecian - Grecian - Mark 7:26 (g1674) - GREE-shuhn] * [ grgal*; gregale*] * [ (aka Euroclydon) - - it "Euroaquilo" - gray-GAHL; gray-GAH-lay] * [ Gregorian* - - it "Calendar (Julian and Gregorian Calendars)" - grih-GAWR-ee-uhn, -GOHR-] * [ grievous - grievous - Hebrews 12:11 (g3077) - GREE-vuhs, not GREE-vee-(y)uhs] * [ griffin or griffon - ("osprey" in NW) - "griffon" at Leviticus 11:13 DRB (h6538) - GRIF-ihn or GRIF-uhn] * [ guile] * [ (deceit, deceitful [things], craft, false, falsehood, lies, subtilty in some Bibles) - ("craftiness" in Exodus 21:14 NW; "deception" in Psalm 34:13 NW; "deceit" in John 1:47 NW) - Exodus 21:14 KJ (h6195); Psalm 34:13 KJ (h4820); John 1:47 KJ (g1388) - GI (uh)L] *. 1) improved Bible pronunciation shows that have become more skilled in their categorical perception of sounds. - - w91 2/1 12 - day'oh(')-voh-LEN-tee, dee'-] * [ Derbe - Der'be - Acts 14:6 (g1191) - DUHR-bee] * [ Desiderius Erasmus* - - w97 9/15 26 - des-ih-DEER-ee-uhs ir-AZ-muhs, ih-RAZ-muhs] * [ deuterocanonical* - - g89 3/22 12 - doo'tuh-roh-kuh-NAH-nih-kuhl, also dyoo'-] * [ Deutero-Isaiah* - - ip-2 8 - dyoo'tuh-roh-i -ZAY-uh] * [ Deuteronomic* - - w61 2/1 93 - doo'tuh-ruh-NAH-mik, also dyoo'-] * [ Deuteronomy - Deuteronomy (Bible book) - it "Deuteronomy" - doo'tuh-RON-uh-mee, not doo'tuh-ROM-uh-nee] * [ dharma* - - sh 110 - DUHR-muh, DAHR-] * [ diachronic* - - ip-2 9 - di 'uh-KRON-ik] * [ diadem - diadem - 2 Chronicles 23:11 (h5145) - DI -uh-dem', -duhm] * [ Didochi* - - w59 8/1 474 - di -AD-uh-ki] * [ Diana] * [ (aka Artemis) - ("Artemis" in NW) - Acts 19:24 AS, DRB, KJ (g735) - di -AN-uh] * [ Diaspora* or diaspora* - - it "Captivity"; w98 8/15 28 - di -AS-puh-ruh] * [ Diatessaron* - - it "Versions" - di 'uh-TES-uh-ron] * [ Didache* - - w92 2/1 19 - DID-uh-kee, not -chee] * [ didactic* - - w96 3/15 30 - di -DAK-tik, duh-] * [ didrachma* - - it "Didrachma" - di -DRAK-muh] * [ Didymos, Didymous, Didymus - ("The Twin" in NW) - John 11:16 KJ "Didymus" (g1324) - DID-uh-muhs] * [ Dinah - Di'nah - Genesis 30:21 (h1783) - DI -nuh] * [ diocesan* - - g95 4/8 28 - di -AH-suh-suhn] * [ diocese* - - w97 12/1 32 - DI -uh-suhs, -sees', -seez'] * [ Diocletian* - - it "Roman Empire" (page 533) - di 'uh-KLEE-shuhn] * [ Diodorus* - - it "Chronology" - di 'oh-DAWR-uhs, -DOHR-] * [ Dionysius] * [ (compare Dionysus) - Dionys'ius - Acts 17:34 (g1354) - di 'uh-NIS-ee-uhs, -NISH-, -NISH-uhs, -NI -see-uhs] * [ Dionysus*] * [ (aka Bacchus)] * [ (compare Dionysius) - - it "Gods and Goddesses" - di 'uh-NI -suhs, -NEE-] * [ Dioscuri] * [ (Castor and Pollux, the Heavenly Twins, [The] Twin Brothers in some Bibles) - ("Sons of Zeus" in NW) - Acts 28:11 Analytical-Literal Trans., BE, Da, Yg (g1359) - di 'uhs-KYU(UH)R-i, di-AHS-kyuh-ri'] * [ Diotrephes - Diot'rephes - 3 John 9 (g1361) - di -OT-ruh-feez, dee-OT-ruh-feez] * [ dipsas] * [ (drought, thirsty ground in most Bibles) - ("thirsty ground" in NW) - Deuteronomy 8:15 DRB (h6774) - DIP-sas] * [ dirge - dirge - 2 Samuel 1:17 (h7015) - DUHRJ] * [ disannul - ("invalidate" in NW) - Job 40:8 KJ (h6565); Galatians 3:17 (g208) - dis'uh-NUHL] * [ discomfit - ("rout" in NW) - Deuteronomy AS (h1949) - dis-KUHM(P)-fuht] * [ discomfiture - ("rout" in NW) - Deuteronomy 7:23 AS (h4103) - dis-KUHM(P)-fuh-chur', -chuhr] * [ Dishon (proper name); dishon (antelope) - Di'shon; ("antelope" in NW) - Genesis 36:21 (h1787); Deuteronomy 14:5 Da (1788) - DI -shon] * [ dithyramb* - - g96 6/8 15 - DITH-ih-ram(b)'] * [ dittography* - - Isaiah 9:7 ftn. RewriteRule .
kuh-too-VEEM] * [ Keziah] * [ (Casia, Cassia, Kezia in some Bibles) - Kezi'ah - Job 42:14 (h7103) - kih-ZI -uh] * [ Khalks*] * [ (see Chalcis) - - - kahl-KEES, khahl-] * [ Khirbet* - - it "Ai" - KIHR-bet] * [ Khorsabad* - - it "Assyria" - khawr-sah-BAHD] * [ Kibroth-hattaavah - Kib'roth-hatta'avah - Numbers 11:34 (h6914) - kib'roth-huh-TAY-uh-vah, -vuh, -ha-TAY-ay-vuh] * [ Kidron] * [ (Cedron, Kedron in some Bibles) - Kid'ron - John 18:1 (g2748) - KID-ruhn, KID-rahn] * [ kiln] * [ (chimney, fire, furnace, stove in some Bibles) - kiln - Exodus 9:8 (h3533) - KILN or KIL (listen)] * [ Kimah] * [ (Hyades, Pleiades in some Bibles) - Ki'mah - Job 9:9 (h3598) - KI -muh] * [ Kings, king - Kings (Bible books), king - 1 Kings 1:1 and ftn. the sounds of these letters with an open or partially open ftlObj = ml("divStayTopLeft"); Heb. For example, the word eight may sound like ay. Easy. When working with WordPress, 404 Page Not Found errors can often occur when a new theme has been activated or when the rewrite rules in the .htaccess file have been altered. luh-KYOO-nee('), -KOO-ni '] * [ Laish] * [ (aka Leshem and Dan) - La'ish - Judges 18:27 (h3919) - LAY-ish] * [ lamedh, also lamed] * [ (Hebrew letter) - La'medh - Psalm 119:89 (verse heading) - LAH-mid] * [ Lamentations (Book of); lamentation - Lamentations (Bible book); lamentation - Jeremiah 9:18 (h5092) - lam'en-TAY-shuhnz; lam'en-TAY-shuhn] * [ lammergeier* - - g96 2/22 25; it "Vulture" - LAM-uhr-gi '(-uh)r] * [ Laodicea; Laodiceans - Laodice'a; Laodice'ans - Colossians 2:1 (g2993); 4:16 (g2993) - lay-od'ih-SEE-uh, lay-oh-duh-SEE-uh, lay(')-ah'duh-, lay'uh-duh-; lay-oh-duh-SEE-uhnz] * [ Lapis lazuli - ("sapphire" in NW) - Lamentations 4:7 By, LITV, MKJV (h5601) - lap'uhs-LA-zuh-lee, -LA-zhuh-] * [ Lares* - - - LAIR-eez('), LER-] * [ lares [and] penates* - - w65 8/1 475 - LAIR-eez('), LER-; puh-NAY-teez, -NAH-] * [ lasciviousness] * [ (flagrant sexual immorality, licentiousness, lustfulness, promiscuity in some Bibles) - ("loose conduct" in NW) - Galatians 5:19 AS, KJ, Yg (g766) - luh-SIV-ee-uhs-nuhs] * [ laver] * [ (basin, bowl, washing bowl in some Bibles) - ("basin" in NW) - Exodus 30:18 AS, By, Da, DRB, KJ, Yg (h3595) - LAY-vuhr] * [ Lazarus - Laz'arus - John 11:1 (g2976) - LAZ-uh-ruhs] * [ Leah - Le'ah - Genesis 29:16 (h3812) - LEE-uh] * [ leaven - leaven - Matthew 16:11 (g2219) - LEV-uhn] * [ Lebanon - Leb'anon - Psalm 72:16 (h3844) - LEB-uh-nuhn] * [ Lebbaeus or Lebbeus] * [ (name omitted from many Bibles) - - Matthew 10:3 KJ (g3002) - lih-BEE-uhs] * [ Legion; legion - Legion; legions - Mark 5:9 (g3003); Matthew 26:53 (g3003) - LEE-juhn, LEE-juhnz] * [ Lemuel - Lem'uel - Proverbs 31:1 (h3927) - LEM-yoo-uhl] * [ leprosy - leprosy - 2 Chronicles 26:19 (h6883) - LEP-ruh-see (listen), not LEP-er-see] * [ leprous - leprous - Luke 17:12 (g3015) - LEP-ruhs (listen), not LEP-uh-ruhs] * [ Leshem] * [ (aka Dan, Laish)] * [ (a city; compare leshem) - Le'shem - Joshua 19:47 (h3959) - LEE-shem] * [ leshem] * [ (a stone; compare Leshem)] * [ (jacinth, ligure, ligurius, opal, turquoise in some Bibles) - lesh'em - Exodus 28:19 (h3958) - LESH-uhm] * [ Levant* - - g91 1/22 17 - luh-VANT (listen), lih-, not -VAHNT] * [ Levantine* - - it "Aramaic" - LEV-uhn-ti n, -teen', luh-VAN-tin, lih-VAN-ti n] * [ Leviathan] * [ (great sea[-]animal, sea dragon in some Bibles) - Levi'athan - Job 41:1 (h3882) - luh-VI -uh-thuhn, lih-] * [ levirate - ("brother-in-law marriage" in NW) - Deuteronomy 25:7 LITV, MKJV (h2992) - LEV-uh-rit, -uh-rayt', LEE-vuhr-it, -vuh-rayt'] * [ Levite - Levite - Exodus 4:14 (h3881) - LEE-vi t, LEE-vi tz] * [ Levitical - Levitical - Ezekiel 43:19 (h3881) - lih-VIT-ih-kuhl] * [ Leviticus - Leviticus (Bible book) - it "Leviticus" - lih-VIT-ih-kuhs] * [ lexicon* - - w99 2/1 31 - LEK-suh-kahn', -kuhn, -sih-kon] * [ lexicographer* - - it "Language" - lek'suh-KAH-gruh-fuhr] * [ lex talionis* - - g77 6/8 27 - leks' tal-ee-OH-nis] * [ libation] * [ (agreement, alliances, covering, league[s], treaties in some Bibles) - libation - Isaiah 30:1 (h4541) - li -BAY-shuhn] * [ Libertine] * [ (Freedmen, Freed Slaves in some Bibles) - ("Freedmen" in NW) - "Libertines" in Acts 6:9 AS, DRB, KJ (g3032) - LIB-uhr-teen', -tihn] * [ Libya - Lib'ya - Acts 2:10 (g3033) - LIB-ee-uh (listen), not LIB-yuh] * [ lightning - lightning - Matthew 24:27 (g796) - LI T-ning (listen), not LI -tuh-ning'] * [ lign-aloes - ("aloe plants" in NW) - Numbers 24:6 AS, KJ (h174) - lin-AL-ohz'] * [ ligure] * [ (jacinth, ligurius, opal, turquoise in some Bibles) - ("lesh'em stone" in NW) - Exodus 28:19 KJ (h3958) - LIH-gyur, LIH-gyuhr] * [ lilith] * [ (lamia, night creature, night-demon Lilith, night monster, night owl, screech owls in some Bibles) - ("nightjar" in NW) - Isaiah 34:14 Da (h3917) - LIH-luhth, LIL-ith] * [ lingam* - - sh 99 - LING-guhm] * [ Linus - Li'nus - 2 Timothy 4:21 (g3044) - LI -nuhs] * [ liturgical* - - w99 12/1 31 - lih-TUHR-jih-kuhl] * [ liturgy* - - w99 7/1 28 - LIH-tuhr-jee] * [ Lo-ammi - Lo-am'mi - Hosea 1:9 (h3818) - loh-AM-i] * [ loathsome] * [ (abominable in some Bibles) - loathsome - Ezekiel 8:10 (h8263) - LOHTH-suhm, LOHTH-] * [ locust - locust - Exodus 10:19 (h697) - LOH-kust (listen)] * [ Lo-debar - Lo-de'bar - 2 Samuel 9:5 (h3810) - loh-DEE-bar, -buhr] * [ Logos*] * [ (a title; "Word" in most Bibles)] * [ (also logos, Greek "word") - - John 1:1 ftn. pageTracker._trackPageview(); The city was renamed by Philip II of Macedon in 356 BC and abandoned in the 14th century after the Ottoman conquest. - EK-see HOH-moh, EK-ay] * [ ecclesia*; ekklesia* - - Ecclesiastes 1:1 ftn.
Bible Map: Philippi Bible words can be extremely difficult to pronounce, so it helps us to hear them spoken correctly by audio. pageYOffset + innerHeight : document.body.scrollTop + document.body.clientHeight; Brown. Click the PLAY button below to hear how to pronounce Macedonia . A lot of meaning is carried by intonation. Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce D words in the Bible: [ daemon* - - g81 12/22 12 - DEE-muhn] * [ Dagon - Da'gon - Judges 16:23 (h1712) - DAY-gon] * [ daleth] * [ (Hebrew letter) - Da'leth - Psalm 119:25 (verse heading) - DAH-leth('), -let', also -luhd (listen)] * [ Dalmanutha - Dalmanu'tha - Mark 8:10 (g1148) - dal'muh-NOO-thuh] * [ Dalmatia - Dalma'tia - 2 Timothy 4:10 (g1149) - dal-MAY-shee-uh, dal-MAY-shuh] * [ daman] * [ (see coney) - ("rock badger" in NW) - Leviticus 11:5 JPS (h8227); Leviticus 11:5 ftn. - KAN-tih-kuhlz] * [ Capernaum - Caper'naum - Matthew 4:13 (g2584) - kuh-PUHR-nay-uhm, kuh-PUHR-nih-uhm] * [ Caphira - ("Chephirah" in NW) - Joshua 9:17 DRB (h3716) - kih-FI -ruh] * [ Caphtor; Caphtorim - Caph'tor; Caph'torim - Deuteronomy 2:23 (h3631; h3732) - KAF-tor; KAF-tuh-rim] * [ Capitoline* - - g97 11/8 27 - KA-puh-tuhl-i n'] * [ Cappadocia - Cappado'cia - Acts 2:9 (g2587) - kap'uh-DOH-shee-uh] * [ caravan - caravan - Genesis 37:25 (h736) - KAR-uh-van'] * [ caravansary* - - it "Hospitality (Inns and Lodging Places)" - kar'uh-VAN(T)-suh-ree] * [ carbuncle - ("emerald" in NW) - Exodus 39:10 AS, KJ, Yg (h1304) - KAHR-bung-kuhl] * [ Carchemish - Car'chemish - 2 Chronicles 35:20 (h3751) - KAHR-kuh-mish] * [ Carian - Ca'rian - 2 Kings 11:4 (h3746) - KAY-ree-uhn] * [ Carmel - Car'mel - 1 Kings 18:19 (h3760) - KAHR-muhl, KAHR-mel] * [ carnelian] * [ (onyx in most Bibles, shoham in some Bibles) - (onyx in NW, ftn., carnelian) - Exodus 28:9 TEV - ] * [ Carpus - Carpus - 2 Timothy 4:13 (g2591) - KAHR-puhs] * [ Carthage* - - w90 12/1 6 - KAHR-thij] * [ Carthaginian* - - w97 7/15 14 - kahr'thuh-JIH-nyuhn, -nee-uhn] * [ cartouche*] * [ (also cartouch) - - g71 11/22 25 - kahr-TOOSH] * [ Caspian* (Sea) - - g80 6/8 29 - KAS-pee-uhn] * [ Cassander* - - it "Alexander" - kuh-SAN-duhr] * [ cassia - cassia - Exodus 30:24 (h6916) - KASH-uh, KAS-ee-uh] * [ Cassius* - - it "Herod" - KA-sh(ee-)uhs] * [ casuistry* - - w01 12/15 18 - KAS-yoo-is-tree, KAZH-wuh-stree, KA-zhuh-stree, KAZH-oo-ih-stree (Listen)] * [ catachresis* - - g82 8/22 27 - kat'uh-KREE-suhs] * [ cataclysm* - - 2 Peter 2:5 ftn. You may need to scroll to find it. You probably noticed that sometimes your voice went up at the end and
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