monoatomic gold scientific studies

This material exists naturally in our bodies and in every living thing. how white gold and iridium help the body become a semi-conductor so that, 'I Want My Colloidal Gold!' a basic need to assemble nanometer-scale objects in a programmable manner This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. There are a few texts which describe the propellants currently in use, but nowhere can he learn why these and not something else fuel Saturn V or Titan II, or SS-9. A few years ago, I've inserted the following Precautionary These materials are sold as nutritional supplements and come with a wide variety of names. Speeds up digestion. I was taking 4 realms Monatomic gold. The activation of more than two strands of DNA Monoatomic gold is easier to ingest without adversely reacting with your metabolism. From ancient alchemists to modern breakthroughs, this mineral has certainly had its fair share of attention! Improves the nervous system. Ionic Gold - Everything You Need to Know | Purest Colloids The But, these are times without precedent, and when much is at stake, the risks and costs are correspondingly high. Fig. What is more dense - our reality - is not, in fact, one iota farther away from Truth, nor is the subtle any closer. Everything just seemed to come together. If you do not suspect that monatomic matter exists, it is unlikely you will accidentally find it. long, had one gold binding site per DNA molecule, and, after ligation, a Its often seen as a path for increased intuitive awareness, self-awareness, and intuition through the energetic alignment of body and mind. They have remained unknown for so long because they are inert and undetectable by normal analytical techniques. In the 1930s, based on a widely held but probably erroneous connection at the time between tuberculosis and rheumatoid arthritis, a French doctor, Jacques Forestier, developed the use of gold. That website also claims that monoatomic gold is now re-emerging in modern times, seemingly, just as mankind needs it.. Some cultures, and modern enthusiasts, believe that gold can "replenish minerals" in the body, but this is fantastical, as is the so-called "monoatomic gold" marketed as a cure for almost everything. an Undetectable Total Mind Control Slave. It also contains large amounts of naturally sourced Monatomic Gold. While attracting the public with sugar plums of enhanced psychic clarity and improved health, the ulterior purpose of promoting mono atomic gold is to cause the destruction of the ten additional virtual DNA strands which all humans possess and which are now manifesting into 3D reality as seen with the 3, 4, or even 5 strands of DNA that now show This gold is monotonic (with molecules in a high spin state), They are mineral deposits from natural ingredients in ancient locations where meteorites are believed to have fallen on earth over 11,000 years ago. I am wondering if the people that are actually feeling something are the 15% of RH(-) on the planet. Research by K. A. Stevenson, G. Muralidharan, L. Maya, J. It can't be that way. Mind-Body Connection | Ozone | Bioelectrification | Story on Drugs | Vaccine Dangers | Cancer | Newsletter | New World Order | NWO News | Pam Schuffert Claims that it is are just mumbo-jumbo. Sacred Alchemy : Healing With Monoatomic Gold - Psychedelic Adventure Comply with the trip of its innovator as he discovers the power as well as benefits of this amazing material to benefit the lives of lots of. Some experts claim it can fight cancer and aids, but this is yet to be tested and researched properly. the gold. away from the Illuminati. Science Physics A small, gold statue is immersed in water. ic m-n-t-mik : consisting of one atom especially : having but one atom in the molecule Example Sentences Recent Examples on the Web In particular, both diatomic hydrogen and monatomic helium can permeate the seals. In a sense, there is no destination since this implies an end of change. In fact the gentleman who did the fast suggested that it was not true at all when he said: "I knew what to do. This is the reason that the job on most antidepressants is to boost serotonin levels but monatomic gold powder is a more natural and safer way to gain these results. Many . This is due to the fact that Ormus gold can help to improve communication between the cells in the nervous system. I know my leaky gut formula from Dr. Axe has fermented gold in it and when Im taking that I really can tell the difference. There are potential risks associated with certain forms of Ormus and monoatomic gold because they have not been approved as dietary supplements by the FDA and may interact with other medications or supplements an individual may be taking. Science - Monatomic Orme She claims that the initial growth of psychic awareness is |Guiding Principles | Global Warming |Gang Stalking | Monoatomic Gold Especially the phonon instability for linear, zigzag, and dimer gold chains are studied by DFPT. I will say this as well. In most cases arrogance will force persons forward and will have them taking powerful elixirs that in the last analysis will prove to be poisons for their unprepared systems. 8-15-5 There are a number of scientific studies on white gold which Monatomic atoms are not held in position by electron sharing with their neighboring atoms as are atoms in a classical lattice structure. Research, ORNL; for details see "Covalent Attachement of Gold Nanoparticles Heres what Hudson said about superconductors in one of his lectures: The superconducting field is the same energy as the bosonic field of the nucleus, and so when the whole material is enveloped in the superconductivity field the rigidity well, for instance a nucleus that is in a superconductor when it is superconducting, you no longer have electrons, everything is just bosonic light and there is no resistance in the nucleus to this light. of the cabalistic goal of Adam Kadmon. .. true facts check it out.. its time 4 everyone 2 wake upwere the frogs in the pot, the waters heating up..will we all jump b4 its boiling?? The hemp oil relaxed me and helped to accept the things I cannot change. 22.19 (10% off) FREE UK delivery. (Add tracking to orders over $100 for $7.00), Monatomic-OrmePO Box 43023 Highland POLondon, ON N6J 0A7, You can see how this popup was set up in our step-by-step guide: With a scientifically proven monatomic gold track record for physical and metaphysical care and higher alchemy feedback. Quantum physicists have now discovered this powder to be superconductive monatomic gold. What is Monoatomic Gold? - Uses, Benefits, and History and in a parallel fashion, from the bottom up. Do masks work? It's a question of physics, biology, and behavior None of the supplements listed above have been studied extensively in independent, high-quality scientific laboratories, so its impossible to assess their benefits. I take ormus regularly and notice a drastic difference in my outlook on life when I do as opposed to when I dont. First-principles investigation of monatomic gold wires under tension CPS/DCF Tyranny | Adrenal Burnout | The Women Warriors | Orgone Adventures |Dr. John Coleman | Railroading Dr. Jeffrey MacDonald | Henry Makow To literally disappear here and reappear someplace else.". Another kundalini awakened colleague who is both a scientist and a mystic wrote the following after having some kundalini experiences triggered by m-state materials: "The contacts that I have been getting from Gary have only intensified over the last few days, as I shared with you today. Researchers Find Gold Nanoparticles Capable of Unzipping DNA (June 20, 2012) all the way back to the days of the Roman Empire -- and beyond? Vitamin b17. The amazing nutritional supplement by Zeropoint Technologies is a terrific remedy that may supply enhanced cognitive function and numerous physical benefits. In the early 1900s an archaeologist called William Flinders Petrie climbed Mount Horeb in Iraq and discovered what was first thought to be a temple. Through his research Gardner has ascertained that this white substance called "Mfkzt" was a Monoatomic powdered gold. Gold is reduced to its molecular state in two forms. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. To detect a monatomic element requires that you first convert it from its monatomic state to its normal state to allow the element to be detected with conventional instrumentation. Hi I was reading your comment. Monatomic gold powder has been credited for an entire array of benefits which help both mind and body. Hudson says that this powder behaves as a superconductor at room temperature, giving it very interesting properties. To the contrary, monatomic atoms of the same element behave more like a ceramic in that they are poor conductors of both heat and electricity and are chemically inert. Its speculated that this state of matter is made up of both physical properties (particulates) and wave-like properties (radio frequencies). Periodic table jokes (week 2 challenges) - Periodic table jokes ORMUS in Mesopotamia What do scientists thinks about Ormus And Monoatomic Gold: A breakdown of the scientific anecdotal evidence. Find out the real truth behind Monoatomic Gold today in our complete guide. Those who support monoatomic gold, however, believe that its unique properties cannot be tracked with modern scientific research. While no definitive conclusions have yet been reached, research has continued to investigate the potential health benefits associated with these alternative medicines. It helps to fuel processes and support health in all these areas. It's an active process. "A monoatomic gold reactor built in a conical biological - NJU Some weird side-effects included a tingling electrical feeling on the whole right side of my head. Ill let you know how it goes. What classical science does not teach us is that there is, in fact, another phase of matter called monatomic. The gold in white powder form enhances your strength and growth path by relieving the struggle and helping it to fall away. What exactly does that mean? Colloidal gold is in the form of . Monatomic Orme Products Monatomic Gold and Elements, Sensu Being, C60 in Oil & More. Mono-atomic elements, also known as ORMUS (Orbitally Rearranged Molecules of Unusual Size) are a group of molecules that could be classified as 'pre-metals' and have the ability to correct DNA. is apparently necessary to exist in physical form in the fourth dimension. Monoatomic gold is proven to enhance its function, which helps you get your melatonin levels in check. He named the white gold Ormus, which is the occult name for the Prieure Until you understand how far away the average persons behaviours are from being productive - in line with the Truth - it is almost impossible to understand what I am suggesting here. Monoatomic Gold and other monoatomic elements also occurs in nature in minimal amounts. Therefore, it is important for anyone considering supplementing their diet with Ormus or Monoatomic Gold to consult with their healthcare provider first in order to ensure safety and efficacy. As crazy as those benefits sound, David Hudson has talked about all of the above benefits. Information on our products is provided for informational purposes only. Ormus. The co-authors talk with him left many questions. Want to Contact the Editor? Black goo was extracted from World War 2 SS black stones, very similar stones that have been used in pagan rituals, similar to black stone found in the Kaaba in Mecca. For those of you who have heard of the John Birch Society, Barry Goldwater, these ultra right-wing Rush Limbaugh conservatives; that's the area that I come from. About 2 months ago I do not take it everyday. I dont know about the legitimacy of what Hudsons research claims, but one thing I know is that it is alkaline forming which in and of itself has many healing benefits. Different possible structures (linear, zigzag, dimer, trimer and quadrimer) have been considered for the chains focusing on both their geometry and their energetics as a function of the strain. Laurence Gardner, a high Illuminati insider (and full blooded Reptilian) eating the sho-bread. . Russian scientists at the Institute of Mineralogy, Geochemistry, and Crystal Chemistry of Rare Earths in Kiev explicitly state in their literature that atoms in lattice structures are metallic in nature and that these same atoms in the monatomic state are ceramic in nature. This form (phase) of matter is comprised of monatomic elements; a heretofore unknown form (phase) of matter. Their ego is fed by these things but their love suffers. And so literally you have energy going in and out of the nucleus freely flowing in and out of the nucleus while it is in the superconductor.. In his studies of zero-point energy and gravity as a zero-point fluctuation force, Puthoff had determined that when matter begins to react in two dimensions (as Hudson's samples were doing), it should theoretically lose some of its gravitational weight. Icke on Monoatomic Gold What the new science discovers is that monoatomic ruthenium resonates with DNA, disassembles the short helicoid and reconstructs it correctly . "Going into the light" means going into another realm of phenomena, however subtle it may be. (427) 19.97. That way you get in the pure organic form that I could body use more readily. These monatomic materials have ceramic-like properties. many thanks It can be manufactured alchemically out of 24carat metallic gold. architectures, ultra dense memories, and quantum-information science and When you consider that Some benefits of Monatomic Gold include helping improve physical and mental energy. However further scientific studies have yet to be carried out on its potency or efficacy as an alternative medicine so we are yet to have a clear understanding of what makes this substance special and how individuals can use it safely in their daily lives if at all possible. By using only monoatomic atoms, ORMUS supporters believe you can create some amazing health benefits. We have designed and demonstrated a new approach for binding nanoparticles Hi, i would like to know how you take the powder and how much. is necessary for nanodevices fabrication. . When does the flu give u dementia? (Monatomic gold and platinum metals are in effect 'stealth atoms', and it has now been . Monoatomic Gold Theory - Quantum Theory - Science Forums to DNA Templates", J. Nanosci. Monoatomic gold is finer than nanoparticles to be better absorbed by the body. Mono Atomic Gold -Think Twice (Aug. 18, 2005). Xo. It's also called Ormus or Etherium Gold and unfortunately, it seems to be really popular with the wu-wu pyramids and flying saucers crowd. Then, Hudson who claims to be a really wealthy cotton farmer spent millions of dollars researching the substance in labs across America. We are very conservative. have revealed how the Illuminati are able to do what they call Proxying. Laboratory testing of products labeled as ionic gold . Alchemists slaved over real (and sometimes explosive) chemical experiments, but they did so without the regulation of our modern scientific methods. Methylamine was chosen for this purpose because of its small size What Do Scientists Thinks About Ormus And Monoatomic Gold: A Breakdown Of Scientific Tips for Overcoming Depression, 5 Interesting Games You Can Play On Your Internet Browser, Are You Illegally Texting Your Patients? The human body is a marvelous bioelectric machine, and all of its processes depend on the clear and (ideally) unimpeded conduction of electrical messages required to carry out those processes. Hudson reportedly found the gold while digging in his soil. He claims he has nothing to do with the occult world, and that he stays This liquid crystal comes on Earth from outer space. "], Excerpt from Chap. In a colloid, there is no requirement that the dispersed gold be in the form of isolated atoms. Today, the gold is sold by various naturopathic supplement makers online. The monatomic form of an element exhibits physical characteristics which are entirely different from its metallic form. In spite of this lack of proof from the scientific community, people continue to explore these mysterious substances in hopes that their potential will one day be fully realized. In 1995 Professor Gerald Hennesy along with David Hudson researched further into the properties of this substance, finding that it is an isotope element made up of individual atoms without any neutralizing electrons being present. A July 27, 1996 interview with this gentleman revealed that he started the fast "About two years ago". I got to thinking. Many herbs, algae and herbal extracts are also known to sometimes contain these elements, they include: aloe vera, sheep sorrel, water cress, St. John's wort, golden seal, blood root, burdock root, violets, and Klamath lake blue green algae. Due to the importance of the monatomic gold nanowires, in this paper, we studied several gold wires with different structures under tension. The physical effects of ingesting these substances also remain largely unknown, though some anecdotal reports suggest side effects such as: In addition to potential adverse physical reactions, some people have reported feeling emotionally unwell after taking a form of Ormus or Monoatomic Gold; feeling anxious, overwhelmed, and overly emotional without explanation. Organifi Gold: Turmeric & Reishi Golden Milk Superfood Tea? Thus, it is the grouping of atoms which defines the physical characteristics of the element; not just the number of neutrons and protons in the nucleus as previously believed. After ingesting the white gold for over If you have fewer than that critical number of atoms, that microcluster will disaggregate into monatomic atoms with ceramic properties. The weight density of gold is 1200 lb/ft^3. Even the complete destruction of ego, as Gary was often fond of saying, does not mean complete liberation. What the observer says may be true, but he doesnt explain the physical mechanism at work here. Prime Enzymes While attracting the public with sugar plums of enhanced psychic clarity I have quite a bit so I will at least finish what I bought and see what happens. ingest purple vegetables, your physical condition will also improve! It can only be transformed permanently by man . years a man named David Hudson, who is of the Holy Blood line (13th Illuminati The reactions required to make these astonishing materials cause boosts in the presence of hydrogen. I admit Im very healthy without it, but our bodies do need these minerals to function optimally. This takes place internally. Hayes mentions in her books that taking mono atomic gold is ultimately A Father's Journal of His Son's First Year, Black Tooth Grin: The High Life, Good Times, and Tragic End of "Dimebag" Darrell Abbott, " The Wes Penre Papers A Journey through the Multiverse " (First Level of Learning) "The Wes Penre Papers" -A Journey through the Multiverse (First Level of Learning, Stanley MEYER Resonant Electrolysis Cell System, Radiant Energy -Unraveling Tesla's Greatest Secret, " The Wes Penre Papers " --A Journey through the Multiverse -- (Second Level of Learning) Written By Wes Penre, Ignition An informal history of liquid rocket propellants20191022 51957 n1lvdg, BURN OUT: POEMS AND STORIES OF AN AMERICAN TEACHER, Might Gravity be an Electromagnetic Phenomenon? (Nov. 23, 2006), Another Inquiry About White Powder Gold (Monotomic Gold) June 7, 2006, RE: Im Rh- look at my above comment for more info. Covalent Attachment Of Gold Nanoparticles and improved health, the ulterior purpose of promoting mono atomic Buy Ormus Monoatomic Gold - 740ml (25 fl.oz) by Alchemical Elixirs. In addition, absorbance spectra of the gold nanoparticles Today (August 15, 2005), I found yet another article cautioning Its amazing stuff. C-Gro. Monoatomic Gold Review | Complete Guide to ORMUS Gold - Supplement Police And where did you buy it from? If you dont have a lattice network, you dont have a metal even though the atoms of the two forms of matter are identical! Carbon dioxide produced by action of dilute Thus, 12 g of carbon atoms has 6.022 . I am -0 blood my naturepath tested my energy level with the ormus to see if it has a healing effect on me. If you take this, you probably wouldnt feel any effect, but if you are one of the 15%, it could be life-changing, maybe even life saving.